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Mental Health, Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Children’s mental health, wellbeing and their pastoral care is high on our list of priorities at Millbridge.  We work hard to ensure that all our pupils are happy, healthy and safe because it is only when these needs are met that pupils can excel in other areas of the curriculum.

We have a dedicated pastoral team led by our Head of Inclusion that works proactively with parents, teachers and, if required, external agencies to ensure that the social, emotional and welfare needs of all our children are met.  Within the pastoral team we have a learning mentor who is skilled in delivering a range of support to our pupils whilst building a strong home-school partnership. 

Supporting parents and carers

We are here to help! We have run (and are continuing to) workshops for parents and carers, where we talk about how to safeguard your child online and general parenting top tips! Keep an eye out for information about upcoming workshops on ClassDojo.