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PSHE and Personal Development

Our PSHE aim

Our PSHE curriculum aims to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. The curriculum covers key areas, which will support children to make informed choices, become confident individuals and active members of society. Children will build their knowledge by revisiting the key areas of family and friendship, health and wellbeing, safety and the changing body, citizenship and economic wellbeing. 

In addition to our PSHE lessons 

  • We deliver class assemblies, which celebrate a variety of faiths and cultures.
  • Our Year 5 and 6 pupils apply for jobs to contribute to our school community. These include house captains, play leaders, lunchtime supervisors and librarians.
  • We have a Pupil Parliament to make sure that every child’s voice is heard. Each class has MPs that represent the views and opinions of the class, which are voted for in an 'election' annually.
  • We are proud to work closely with Pol-Ed. This supplements our curriculum and makes the learning context-specific to the challenges in our local community. 


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Trips and Visits

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